I've never been a screenshot person. I've played UO so long but have hardly any. What I am discovering though is videos are more my forte.
Some people have probably seen my channels on Veoh and Youtube. In the past year I've created and uploaded about 50 UO related videos. There are about 3 dozen more sitting on my hard drive which I have to get to some time.
I find it a lot of fun making them. At the same time I learn a lot about video (and now audio) editing. Plus, this creates a record of things I do along with big fights. The other day I noticed that my videos on Youtube have been viewed over 27,000 times. Combine that with Veoh and that is a lot of hits. (I don't know the total because Veoh does not list that anywhere)
Very recently I decided to start doing narrated videos. My first being a historical tour of the Tower I placed when Trammel opened up.
JC's Tower Tour [Part 1]
JC's Tower Tour [Part 2]
Originally I was using Veoh mostly due to the quality of the video. But now Youtube offers HD consistently and does not have many of Veoh's drawbacks (annoying advertisements, annoying related videos taking up the whole page, annoying removal of nice features for me to use).
Another narrated video I plan on making soon is one where I explore the history of UO houses I've owned/used. There is a lot of interesting stories there to tell.
Finally, there are a couple blog posts currently in draft form. One in particular I hope to get posted soon is about a design for a 7th Champion Spawn type. This is an idea I've been kicking around since they first introduced the whole system.